Life itself is the most precious thing you have.
This quote, often attributed to Virginia Woolf, emphasizes the importance of fully embracing life and not letting your spirit die even in the face of challenges; it encourages you to actively engage with the world through learning, creating, and experiencing joy, essentially reminding you that life itself is the most precious thing you have and should never be wasted.
Key points:
“Stay alive”: This is the central message, urging you to not give up on life even when things are difficult.
“Don’t die before you’re dead”: This means don’t let your spirit or passion for life fade away prematurely.
“Stay alive with every cell of your body”: Live fully and engage with every aspect of your being.
“Learn, study, think, read, build, create”: Actively pursue knowledge and engage in creative endeavors.
“Fill yourself with colors of the world”: Embrace the beauty and experiences life offers.